Friday, March 4, 2011

Congratulations mummy-2-be

Alhamdulillah a few of my friends will become a mummy this year..
Ada yang tengah menunggu masa (dup..dap...dup..dap...).. Ada yang baru je dapat tau..

images from

Big Congratulations to..
1- Uyul
2- Faraziana
3- Alia
4- Masliza
5- Hidayah Zaila
6- Salmalina
7- My dearest bff Cake Mee yang baru 5 weeks preggie..

Some general tips:.

-Drink milk - It;s good for you and the baby....

-Dun forget to eat your acid folic vitamin.....

-Jangan... I mean JANGAN buat/angkat benda-benda berat... minta tolong your hubby jer.. (time nie la nak bermanja2an..)

-Rajin2kan baca n perdengarkan bacaan Quran to your baby.. InsyaAllah everything will be ok..

-Banyakkan bersabar (if ada morning sickness).... Relax... alwiz think +ve

-Please read a lot of informations about pregnancy & delivery.. You can either find it in the internet ( baby center ) or books  or juz ask anyone who have an experience..(I alwiz ask my friends/cousins)

If you need any tips, juz ask me ok? (I'm not an expert but I've an experience n some knowledge... :)

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


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