Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My darling is sick

Hari Ahad lepas, my parents datang my house to meet darling.. Rindu la tu.. Dah seminggu tak jumpa.. After we had lunch, darling as usual main..and jalan sana sini around the house then suddenly dia vomit.. Habis keluar semua nasi2 yang dia makan.. Banyak betul dia vomit.. I thought it's only once but end up 7 times.. Mula2 tak terfikir why he has vomit the, me and hubby realize that he has given darling minum air 'limau ais'.. Hmm.. Maybe because of that..Then, I've decided to bring him to the clinic.. Bile check doctor, he said darling nye perut ok.. tekak ok.. and he's not dehydrated.. Alhamdulillah..

Then, balik rumah.. Darling dah tak bermaya.. Maybe penat because asyik vomit.. Bagi minum susu, vomit balik.. Then bagi ubat pun sama.. Even bagi warm water pun vomit.. Tak terkira la berapa banyak baju kena tukar.. Kesian tau tengok baby vomit.. Then, we've decided to bring him to NCI hospital which is the nearest to my house.. But, diaorang tak terima because they don't have child's specialist.. So, I call hubby to ask for suggestion.. Then, he asked me to bring darling to hospital in Shah Alam with my parents.. At least, anything happen, my parents ada.. If I kat Nilai, I don't have extra car.. And my hubby is so busy with AKEPT for a few days..

Sampai je kat Shah Alam, we took darling to DEMC.. Alhamdulillah doctor gave him ubat tahan muntah.. And as what the doctor said earlier, darling ok.. He doesn't dehyrated.. Sampai kat my parents house, nampak sangat darling lemah.. He don't want to eat.. Nasib baik nak minum susu.. And he only wants to 'dukung'. Poor my baby boy..
Alhamdulillah he's ok now.. :)


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