Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My 1st week of Ramadhan

Salam Ramadhan!! Alhamdulillah I dapat menyempurnakan ibadah puasa selama seminggu tanpa sebarang 'gangguan'.. Hehehe.. 2 days before Ramadhan, me and hubby balik ke Kuala Pilah.. Tradisi di sana, a day before Ramadhan, ibu akan masakkan rendang.. Hush.. Best betul terasa macam raya laks.. Memang puas la I makan rendang on that day.. Thanx ibu!!
1st Ramadhan, I berbuka puasa di rumah with hubby.. 2nd day, we went to KL coz hubby got something to do.. My parents have planned berbuka puasa with my grandma and uncle's family at PJ.. So, me and hubby decided to join.. Dah lama tak jumpa my dearest grandma.. Rizq is so excited to meet his uncle and aunties.. Eventhough, it's only 4 kids in the house but it's so 'meriah'.. Hehe..
Me and hubby slept at my parents house till today.. There's a lot of things hubby needs to settle here in KL.. So, it's easier for him..
5th day of Ramadhan which is Saturday as usual me and family will 'berbuka puasa' at my grandma's house in Puchong.. Memang meriah la because my uncles, aunties, cousins ramai yang datang.. And there's a lot of food.. Sorry I didn't snap any picture because too tired of catching my son who is running around the house.. While I'm in Puchong, hubby set up a PA system in Kelana Jaya a.k.a working.. Alhamdulillah rezeki..
6th Ramadhan, my uncle (PJ) has invited me and family + family in Puchong to 'berbuka puasa' at Kelab Golf Seri Selangor.. It's a buffet.. My darling is so excited to see a lot of kids playing there..so, he running around.. Hush.. Penat kejar budak kecik nie.. So, me, hubby, my sis, my mom and dad take turn to look after him.. He's not tired playing and running but we are!! Oh my son, you have so many energy.. Hehehe..

Oh, I have a few orders of chocolate for Hari Raya.. Alhamdulillah.. And a few friends asks for sample.. InsyaAllah I will make the sample as soon I'm back in Nilai.. :)
Thanx for the support!!

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


Mira Pencinta Coklat said...

selamat berpuasa kak, walaupun dah habis dah seminggu ... baru sempat cek blog akak hari ni hehe bestnyer banyak dapat order coklat :D

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